SENNEBOGEN Demo Days Highlight Changing Times In Tree Care Safety
Stanley, NC – Statistics show that the tree care industry has made strides in improving job safety for arborists and related workers. However, the data also shows that tree care remains one of the country’s most hazardous professions.
Last year, 72 tree care workers died as a result of job-site incidents, according to a report by TCIA. Many more were seriously injured. The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) has been working with OSHA to establish clear safety standards for over 10 years, but they are still waiting for industry rules to be written.
What’s more troubling though, is that a recent release from TCIA suggests that knowledge is not the issue, so much as distractions and “complacency.” The conditions, pressures and distractions on the job often lead workers to ignore obvious precautions such as tying off fall protection systems properly or complying with the drop zone policies. Saving lives may require more than new safety guidelines. Perhaps we should be looking at new ways to eliminate distractions as well as some of the hazards inherent in felling, trimming and handling trees.
Getting Workers Out Of Harm’s Way
The SENNEBOGEN 718 purpose-built tree handler has been attracting attention for the dramatic increases in productivity it can achieve in urban forestry applications. However, its ability to keep workers out of harm’s way may be even more valuable to tree service companies.

718 can easily dismantle a tree safely without having any personnel on the ground in the vicinity of the site that might be in harm’s way.
The SENNEBOGEN 718 is more efficient and nimble than other familiar carriers such as excavators and cranes. With a hydraulic tree saw and grapple attached to its 43 ft. (13 m) telescoping boom, plus a high-rise Maxcab operator station, the 718 allows workers to dismantle or trim trees while they maintain a safe distance from falling trunks, limbs and tools.
The grapple can also stack the cut wood quickly or move it to a chipper with virtually no handwork required. The agility of the 718’s hydraulics give the operator ample precision to make efficient cuts, while the elevated cab provides a clear view into the work zone.
“Struck by” and “Fall From Elevation” incidents are accounting for over 60% of injuries in the tree care workplace. Another 15% are caused by indirect contact with power lines. Any of these can be averted by minimizing crew in and under trees. With the 718, there is no need for crews to climb trees or to ride a lift up into the cutting area, and no reason to have additional staff lingering near the drop zone.
TCIA Demonstration: November 6, 7 & 10, 2018
With the TCIA Expo 2018 coming to Charlotte, NC, in November, SENNEBOGEN is presenting free demonstrations of the 718 tree-handler, along with additional equipment in the manufacturer’s line-up. Demo days are planned immediately before and after the Expo, at SENNEBOGEN’s North American headquarters on the outskirts of Charlotte.
Visitors to SENNEBOGEN’s Expo display will be also invited to enter a raffle for admission into an ArborMaster® 2 or 3-day training module on tree-care safety, skill & productivity. The safety skill and productivity courses cover essentials topics including tree-climbing, chainsaw safety & handling, precision tree felling and practical rigging.
SENNEBOGEN has been a leading name in the global material handling industry for 65 years. Based in Stanley, North Carolina, within the greater Charlotte region, SENNEBOGEN LLC offers a complete range of purpose-built machines to suit virtually any material handling application. Established in America in the year 2000, SENNEBOGEN LLC has quickly become a leading provider of specialized equipment solutions for recycling and scrap metal yards, demolition, barge and port operations, log-handling, transfer stations and waste facilities from coast to coast. A growing network of distributors supports SENNEBOGEN LLC sales and service across the Americas, ensuring the highest standard of professional machine support and parts availability.
For more information on the full line of SENNEBOGEN green line material handlers, contact:
Constantino Lannes, President
1957 Sennebogen Trail (formerly 7669 Old Plank Road)
Stanley, NC 28164
Tel: (704) 347-4910 or fax (704) 347-8894
Visit the website at