SENNEBOGEN 840 R-Hd & 835 R-Hd Machines Help Maximize Uptime For White Lake Dock & Dredge, Inc.

The hydraulics on the SENNEBOGEN 840 are so responsive and smooth that none of the dredged material touches the ground.
Montague, MI – White Lake Dock & Dredge, Inc., a specialty marine construction and dredging firm located in west Michigan, trusts the reliability and responsiveness of its SENNEBOGEN 840 R-HD and 835 R-HD purpose-built material handlers to keep its often sensitive environmental remediation operation running smoothly.
“We’re a small company with 20 years of experience. We specialize in environmental sediment remediation dredging and subaqueous capping projects as well as all facets of marine construction and waterfront development. Our client market includes industrial, government, defense, and private residential. On top of that, we work in some of the most difficult to access and environmentally sensitive locations in the United States and Canada,” says Robert Gezon, President of White Lake Dock & Dredge, Inc.
“Our SENNEBOGEN machines are part of a readily-transportable fleet of specialized, production matched, marine and shore-side equipment. Using the base unit as a starting point, additions to the machine have been developed to enhance its accuracy and efficiency,” adds Gezon.
SENNEBOGEN material handlers best option for marine application
For most projects, WLDDI pairs its SENNEBOGEN machines with long-reach excavators. The excavators are located on the floating plant and are used for dredging and placing material on a material barge. RTK GPS (Real Time Kinematic GPS) precision dredging is used to ensure absolute precision in the removal of the identified material.
The dredged material is then brought to shore where a SENNEBOGEN 840 R-HD or 835 R-HD unit equipped with a 2.6 cubic yard clamshell bucket is used to offload the barge. The dredged material is loaded onto waiting trucks to be hauled to a landfill or further processing.
“The addition of the SENNEBOGEN machines to our equipment fleet has been significant in improving our cycle times and efficiency,” says Gezon. “We love their material handling capabilities and elevated cabs. Being able to see into the barges and trucks allows our operators to unload the barges and load trucks much faster and safer without any risk of damage to the equipment. The maneuverability of the unit and responsiveness of the hydraulics makes it all possible for us to reach down and up to complete the cycle.”
Tracks are the best choice for their SENNEBOGEN machines since WLDDI’s jobsite locations almost always render wheels impractical. “Typical jobsite terrain, soft soils and the required stability on barges make tracks the best option for us,” says Gezon.
SENNEBOGEN hydraulics provide necessary responsiveness
Gezon is impressed with the responsiveness and smoothness of the SENNEBOGEN machines’ hydraulics and engineering which ensure that the handling of potentially harmful contaminated material is accurate, efficient and exact.
“From the dredging on the barge to the loading of the trucks on the shore, the dredged material never touches the ground. We don’t spill a drop,” says Gezon.
Depending on the jobsite and the window of opportunity it offers, WLDDI’s two SENNEBOGEN material handlers are in operation 6 days a week for either 12 or 24 hours.
“We’re very happy with our SENNEBOGEN machines. Our operators love them, and we would definitely buy another unit,” says Gezon.
SENNEBOGEN has been a leading name in the global material handling industry for over 65 years. Based in Stanley, North Carolina, within the greater Charlotte region, SENNEBOGEN LLC offers a complete range of purpose-built machines to suit virtually any material handling application. Established in America in the year 2000, SENNEBOGEN LLC has quickly become a leading provider of specialized equipment solutions for recycling and scrap metal yards, demolition, barge and port operations, log-handling, transfer stations, waste facilities and the tree care industry from coast to coast. A growing network of distributors supports SENNEBOGEN LLC sales and service across the Americas, ensuring the highest standard of professional machine support and parts availability.
For more information on the full line of SENNEBOGEN green line material handlers, contact:
1957 Sennebogen Trail
Stanley, NC 28164
Tel: (704) 347-4910 or fax (704) 347-8894